A Modern Family Home on Melton Road

Service: New Builds

Client: Luxury O’Keeffe Development

This is another luxury O’Keeffe development. We worked very closely with the planning officer to design two luxury properties that would be in keeping with the surrounding area. The Arts & Crofts period was our brief for our architects. 

O’Keeffe’s set a time limit of 18 months to build two luxury homes of over 4,000 sq ft each. We managed to complete the project three months early, which highlights O’Keeffe’s ability to produce high quality developments, within time and budget. The project was completed on time and on budget and is another fantastic example of when design meets an outstanding builder. Both the client and our team were completely blown away by the outcome.

These two superb luxury homes were used as part of the award-winning year of 2019. Both properties again high-lighting the highest quality and building standards.


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